Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Yes, God has fearfully and wonderfully made me and YOU,  He knit us together in our mother's wombs.   Wow! I was reading in Calm My Anxious Heart about being content with ourselves and our role in life.   Linda spoke about the fact that so many women are dissatisfied with their bodies, their lives, their jobs, their families, and more.   She's right.  I'm guilty too.  But it really made me stop and think.   God made me unique.  He wanted me to be different.  He loves our inner heart and soul.  He doesn't look at the outer wrappings.  He focuses on the inside and we need to do that too.   I am thanking God for my personality, my body, my roles in life, and I'm going to work on being content with where I am right now!   How about you? 


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