Abba, Daddy

Abba, Daddy,
       I come to you humbled tonight by your love, by your gift of your life to us.   How precious you are!  How wondrous!   How        marvelous!   I love you and I long to know you more!   I want my husband, my children, my stepchildren, and grandchildren, and all my family to know you serve live in your perfect will.  If any that I love do not know you, I pray that you would convict them and they would bow before you and say "yes, Lord."
        When I look at the ocean and the mountains, I can't help but be awed at your creation and your artwork!  Truly you taught Picasa !    You have given us inspiration to be daring as we mix our colors.   You have given us inspiration to dare to reach for the sky.                                         
        So many of my family and friends are sick, hurting, depressed, afraid,            jobless, have broken relationships, and so many other hurts, please touch them.   Heal them.   Guide them.  Show them what to do.  Give the desire to live.   Show your purpose to each one.  
         I hurt, too, Abba.  My heart aches for those I love who are hurting.  My heart aches as I miss my children! and I long to play with all the grandchildren.  I miss my students.  I feel useless, not working, not able to bring in my income.   Abba, I ache.  My ulcerative colitis causes daily pain and I rarely ask for anything with it, except to be able to make it thru certain commitments or feel physically able to make it to church or other places.   I ask you to take my illness and use it to make me more like you.   Make me a stronger and wiser person.  Let me be an example to those around me.   For I do smile thru it, and I do love you so much.  
      You've blessed me so much with wonderful family and friends.  Thank you.  What more could I ask for?  you know the deepest desires of my heart.....listen to my heart, Daddy.  Abba.  Let me lay my head upon your chest and feel your heartbeat. 


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