5-Star Review of "Lorie's Heart'

Review of Lorie's Heart

by Amy Lillard


Welcome back to Wells Landing, Oklahoma, the tranquil Amish community where still waters run deep and a brave young woman sets out to discover her faith, her family, and herself…
Lorie Kauffman is grief-stricken when her father passes away unexpectedly. But her heartache quickly turns to bewilderment when she discovers he’d been leading two lives—one of simplicity and hard work in Wells Landing, and one fraught with painful ordeals in Tulsa. As she starts digging into her family’s past, Lorie finds herself torn between the Amish world and the Englisch world—and she’s no longer certain where she belongs…
Lorie knows that if she leaves Wells Landing, she may never be able to return. But what if her destiny lies in the outside world—the world her father knew so well? Change is never easy, but with a bit of courage and the help of a handsome and kind-hearted Englischer, she just may find the peace, acceptance, and love she’s been longing for…

MY REVIEW:   Can you imagine discovering that your beloved Amish father had led an entirely separate life and kept many secrets from you ?  And it all began with the discovery of his tattoo in the morgue as she and her stepmother identified his body?  To begin with, Amish do not get tattoos!   So what on earth does it mean?   Then the box filled with his belongings divulges even more secrets.  Her stepmother does not want to discuss any of it but Lorie can not leave it alone.   She must know the truth and so she sets out on a journey of the heart to find her father's secrets.   Will her family be able to survive the truths that are uncovered?   Her relationship with her Amish boyfriend is in jeopardy now as well. 
        This story continues the lives of the Amish community of Wells Landing.  What a treat to get to share in the lives of the beloved characters.   I have read the other books in the series but I believe that readers could enjoy this book even without the previous background information.  There are many surprises in this story.  I rate this book 5 stars and highly recommend it to readers of Amish and Christian fiction.  
        I received a kindle version of this book from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.   

About the Author:
Amy Lillard

I'm a wife, mother, and bona fide Southern belle. Published author, expert corn bread maker, and Squirrel Princess.

I live in Tulsa, though I was born in Mississippi. I moved to the Sooner State when I was seventeen and met my soul mate and best friend not long after. I've retained a little of my Mississippi accent though most people think I'm from Texas. (?) Rob and I have been married for over twenty years and have a son--a mom proclaimed prodigy, of course!

I love homemade tacos, nail polish, and romance novels--not necessarily in that order. I'm a big fan of country music, a staunch proponent of saving the Oxford comma, and I'm shamefully obsessed with all things Harry Potter.

I believe that God is love. I guess that's why I adore romances. 

I have always been intrigued with the Amish culture, their gentle ways and slower-paced lifestyle. (And I love, love, love the fact that they stay married for their lifetime.) But until recently I never thought to blend this interest with my penchant for romance. Okay, okay, I'm a bit old-fashioned and even enjoy the gender roles that are present in this culture. I love to cook and take care of my family. Yes, that's me June Cleaver with a laptop.

I dislike people trying to convince me to read the Twlight series (I'll get to it or I won't, either way I'm good with it), gratuitous violence, and strawberry ice cream. (I know I'm alone on this last one, and again, I'm good with it.)

Favorite movies--(besides HP) French Kiss, Maid of Honor, A Lot Like Love, Just Married, and Sweet Home Alabama. Oh, and Miss Congeniality, Sabrina (both versions) and a 1940's movie called Dear Ruth. If you haven't seen it, you should! A-dorable. Anything with Doris Day and most all of Marilyn's and Audrey's.


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